“Red Knit Cap Girl to the Rescue” is the story of a little girl and her friends who try to help a polar bear who goes missing from its family. The girl confronts a polar bear who seems lost. She wants to help the bear to go back to his family, but she doesn’t know where to find them.
Red Cap Girl speaks to the moon and learns that to find the bears family she must go towards north. The girl and her dear friend a rabbit create a boat to take the polar bear. Three of them starts sailing together and after a long journey, they finally reach north. But they don’t find any clues about the bears family. But finally, they find the bears mother. After uniting the mother and the baby bear the Red Cap Girl and her friend rabbit return home.
The plot of the story is simple and guessable but certain things like talking moon, pictures of the sky and etc are beautiful. When you read this story to your kids ask them a question. How did the girl found that the polar bear was missed from her family? This is one of the best stories for discussion with kids. You can also teach kids about different habitats, climates and many more. The artwork in this book is quite impressive and kids will love it for sure.
Suitable for: 3 – 6.
Author Name: Naoko Stoop.
Publication: Brown Books for Young Readers.
Buy it from: Amazon/Flipkart.
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