Dragons Love Tacos

Dragons Love Tacos

Any stories about Dragons are children’s favorite, isn’t it? Dragons in this story are actually adorable and friendly. Dragons love tacos is the story of Dragons who love tacos. They love chicken tacos, beef tacos, great big tacos, and teeny tiny tacos. Who doesn’t like tacos? They like to party and eat tacos. You just have to be careful what kind of salsa you give them because they might get messy. But they are good enough to clean up after themselves.

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The humor in this picture book is pure stress relief, for the readers. This is the tale of a boy who loves dragons, and of the dragons themselves, who adore tacos. This boy really wants to have a taco party, in order to have dragon house guests, and then begins the fun. Amazing humor, great visuals and simple text in this will make this book on of your all-time favorite.

Suitable for: 3 – 6.
Author Name: Adam Rubin.
Publication: Dial Books.

Buy it from: Amazon/Flipkart.

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