Bedtime stories are soothing for kids of any group, isn’t it? “If Animals Kissed Good Night” is an amazing picture book with cute illustrations, fun rhymes, and a variety of animals which makes this a winning bedtime read for kids. The reader will especially enjoy the imagination behind the different settings, sounds, etc the parent/baby animals make while they are enjoying their goodnight kisses.
If animals kissed
like we kiss good night,
Giraffe and his calf
would stretch their necks high
and kiss just beneath
the top of the sky.
The ending illustration is the highlight in the book which includes the author’s note where she mentions she was inspired to write the book based on a little bedtime game she used to play with her own child.
Suitable for: 0 – 3.
Author Name: Ann Whitford Paul.
Publication: Farrar.
Buy it from: Amazon/Flipkart.
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