“The Lion and the Mouse” is an award-winning kids book by Jerry Pinkney. This is a brilliant retelling of the classic Aesop tale that children will read over and over again.
The wordless retelling by Jerry Pinkney is just amazing and charming. The main plot of the story is when the lion helps the mouse and later when the lion is trapped in a net the mouse remembering the lion’s kindness, chews through the net and frees the lion. This is a wonderful story about helping each other. A delightful story with a great moral. The gorgeous pictures are the ones which attract the readers and makes them read this again and again.
Those stunning illustrations bring life to this old and classic tale with unique colors, flow, and images. In the author’s word at the beginning, Pinkney’s appreciation for the kindness of both the animals as they are equally great at heart. The two main characters the mouse and the lion in the story equally capture the reader’s attention.
The gorgeous pictures are the ones which attract the readers and makes them read this again and again. Those stunning illustrations bring life to this old and classic tale with unique colors, flow, and images. In the author’s word at the beginning, Pinkney’s appreciation for the kindness of both the animals(lion and the mouse) as equally great at heart. The two main characters the mouse and the lion in the story equally capture the reader’s attention.
Suitable for: 3 – 6.
Author Name: Jerry Pinkney.
Publication: Little, Brown, and Company.
Buy it from: Amazon/Flipkart.
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