Chicken Little Investigates – Interesting and Insightful

Chicken Little Investigates – Interesting and Insightful

The 32-page delightful science folktale by Lois Wickstrom is a perfect read for kids, and parents who are trying to teach kids, science through stories. It is a retelling of the famous fable “Chicken Little” in which the little chicken thought that sky was going to fall on his head, he could hear a unique sound when something fell on his head.

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On his way, he meets Henny Penny, Ducky Lucky, Goosey Loosey, and Turkey Lurkey, each one of them experiences a unique sound when something falls on their head from the top. They decided to give a single name to all the sounds created when something falls from the top. So this bunch of friends heads towards the king to ask him to name their discovery.

What happens next on their journey to meet the king? Read this interesting story to know.

We love the book, it’s cute, funny and insightful at the same time. What we especially liked was the way the whole concept of gravity has been explained to kids in such a simple way through a story. The illustrations were cute and the character names were fun to make kids laugh.

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Overall it’s a great read for self-reading as well as a read-aloud session for the younger ones. Do give this book a try and let us know your feedback in the comment section below. We think the younger kids would love it.

Author: Lois Wickstrom.
Illustrator: Francie Mion.
Publisher: Gripper Products.
Suitable for: Below 7 years.

But it from: Amazon/Flipkart.

Once you are done reading this do let us know how do you like the book. We would love to know your experience.

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