A very practical and wonderful book on managing anger in children.
In this age of shorter attention span and distracted conversations, children go through many unexpressed emotions including anger. At times even the smallest things bother them so much and they don’t know how to handle these difficult emotions.
“When I Lose My Temper” is a brilliant story for younger kids on understanding emotions like anger and anxiety and how to deal with them. It communicates the importance of pause and to breathe before you react. In this book, the central character Josh gets angry often, be it when he is not able to go to the park as it’s raining outside or when it’s time to switch off the TV before bedtime. Josh’s mother deals with him patiently and teaches him how to exhale his anger with a deep breath.
Interesting story, insightful messaging, this one makes a great read for children below 7 years age group. While I am saying below 7 for the reading level, but messaging wise, it’s relevant for almost everyone.
I love Michael Gordon’s books and this one is no different. There are multiple other titles in this series that he has written to manage emotions and build character amongst kids. We will be sharing our views on all the remaining titles here shortly.
Do give it a try, it’s definitely a book that you will find useful and fun. You can rent it from the nearest library in your city or read it online for FREE with your Kindle Unlimited subscription (*I have an India subscription account).
Title: When I Lose My Temper
Author: Michael Gordon
Illustrator: Max Larin
Publisher: Independent
Available for purchase on Amazon here.
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